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Supported on three of the company’s sustainability pillars – energy for growth, energy for life, and energy for movement, Copersucar’s Sustainability Policy establishes the guidelines to govern the company and its subsidiaries in terms of economic, and social and environmental practices, having in mind the continuity of the business and contribution to sustainable development of surrounding communities. Browse through the pillars below.


1st link - Market


2nd link - Transport
and sales


3rd link - Copersucar S.A.


1st link - Market


2nd link - Transport
and sales


3rd link - Copersucar S.A.

Ensure readiness to the global market and supply of products with national and international recognition for its sustainable management and production systems.

Ensure competitive quality, continuously improving processes and services to meet the expectations of customers and suppliers.

Strengthen collaborative relationships in the pursuit of innovative solutions in processes, products and services, aimed at gains in productivity throughout the chain.

Foster a corporate culture for sustainability and influence the company' value chain.

Consider social and environmental aspects in assessing of new businesses and/or expanding operations.

Prevent, manage, and act in mitigating the risks that could affect the company's business and operations.

Strengthen the relationship with suppliers of logistics, seeking greater efficiency, less impact, and reduction of cost in the logistics chain.

Prioritize integrated solutions in logistics and with less social and environmental impact.

Ensure legal compliance of the regulations applicable to the company's activities and operations in its units, as well as to products and services.

Contribute to mitigate the effects associated with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in products transportation.

Ensure the rational use of natural resources and ecosystem services into its activities and operations.

Boost the social and environmental impacts of its operations and minimize the possible negative impacts, acting preventively.

Ensure transparency and ethics in relations.

Foster a health and safety culture in the Company.

Value and develop human capital.

Seek a closer relationship with stakeholders through social responsibility actions, engagement actions, and/or communication channels.

Promote healthy sugar consumption.

Encourage the use of renewable fuels and demonstrate the positive social and environmental externalities of ethanol for a low-carbon economy.

Foster environmental protection for conservation of biodiversity in the value chain.


Sustainability has been increasingly pegged to the business model, intrinsically associated with products, and representing an extraordinary opportunity in the market. Copersucar provides fuel and food with low environmental impact on the planet: energy to nourish and move the world. Thus, the consequences of climate change are among the concerns for Copersucar. And ethanol is one of the main alternatives to mitigate carbon emissions. This aspect is a priority for Copersucar, which participated in COP-21, and is a signatory of the open letter to the CEOs of 79 companies that have assumed the commitment to proceed with voluntary initiatives to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


Since the 2009-2010 Crop-Year, Copersucar has prepared its reports using the guidelines set out by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). In its first edition, Copersucar followed the G3 standard with application level B-. For the 2010-2012 Report, the company started to have its information externally assured by an external audit, obtaining a B+ level. The score was maintained for the 2012-2014 publication. In the report, referring to the 2014-2016 biennial, Copersucar advanced in the G4 Core version, which seeks to objectively cover the most relevant aspect of the business from a company and society standpoint, with an extended focus on the value chain. The last edition, referring to the Crop Years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, the publication is following GRI-Standards, supported by an external evaluation. You may know all editions on the side.