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Access here the Financial Statements for the 23/24 Crop-Year

Frequently Asked Questions

Governance and shareholding structure

Who are the shareholders of Copersucar S.A.?

Copersucar S.A. currently has 22 economic groups as shareholders, operating 37 sugar mills (production units) independently in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Minas Gerais, and Goiás.

What is the governance structure of Copersucar S.A. like?

Copersucar S.A. adheres to the highest standards of corporate governance, following best market practices. Its governance structure includes professional management, a Board of Directors, an Advisory Board, advisory committees (Finance, Audit, Risk, People Management, and Sustainability), and a Fiscal Council.

What are the benefits for a sugar mill to be part of Copersucar S.A.?

The benefits offered by Copersucar to the sugar mill are:

  • Guaranteed commercialization (liquidity) for 100% of production (regardless of production size);
  • Guaranteed sale at average market prices;
  • Guarantee and predictability of cash flow, independent of the timing of the product sale to the end customer;
  • Possibility of participating in the results generated by Copersucar “beyond the mill gate” (e.g., logistics, natural gas, etc.), including outside Brazil;
  • Reduction of working capital and operational expenses;
  • Greater access to the financial system and lower cost of capital;
  • Sectoral representation and dialogue;
  • Access to scale (commercial, logistical, financial, risk, market intelligence, etc.);
  • Focus on “Core” (efficiency in agricultural and industrial production).

Ecosystem and business model

What are the main products and markets of operation for Copersucar S.A.?

Copersucar S.A. operates in the following products and markets:

  • Sugar: Refined Sugar and Raw Sugar, traded in Brazil and over 70 countries.
  • Ethanol: Anhydrous Ethanol and Hydrous Ethanol, traded in Brazil, USA, Europe, and Asia.
  • CBios: Trading of CBios in Brazil.
  • Logistics: Provision of product movement services (road, rail, pipeline, and maritime modalities) and operation of terminals in Brazil and the USA.
  • Natural Gas: Trading and movement of natural gas in the USA.
  • Electricity: Trading of renewable electricity in the free market of Brazil (announcement of the acquisition of 50% of NewCom, a subsidiary of the Comerc Group.
  • Research and Development: Research, development, and production of technology applied to sugarcane cultivation in Brazil.
What are the main companies of Copersucar S.A.?

The companies of Copersucar S.A. are:

Copersucar S.A: The group’s holding company and operator of logistics services (road and rail freight desks), sugar trading, and CBios trading in Brazil.

Cia Auxiliar de Armazens Gerais: Operator of logistics assets in Brazil (Port and Transshipment Terminals).

Alvean Sugar SL: Origination, trading, and global trading of raw and refined sugar.

Evolua Etanol S.A.: Origination, trading, logistics, import, and export of ethanol from Brazil.

Eco-Energy LLC: Origination, trading, logistics, import, and export of ethanol from the USA; natural gas trading and movement in the USA; Development of energy transition solutions in the american market.

Logum Logística S.A.: Operation of a pipeline and multimodal logistics system for fuel and biofuel transportation in Brazil.

Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira S.A. (CTC): Research, development, technology, and science for sugarcane.

NewCom: Open platform for electricity trading in the brazilian free market.

What are the advantages of Copersucar S.A.'s logistics system?

The advantages of Copersucar S.A.’s logistics system are:

  • Static storage at the sugar mills (largest capacity in the sector)
  • Own port terminal in Santos
  • Transshipment terminals in the interior
  • Access to railway on a large scale
  • Road freight desks
  • Ship nomination management
  • Access to Logum’s ethanol pipelines
  • Ethanol terminals in the USA.
How does the origination of products from non-member sugar mills work within the Copersucar system?

Copersucar S.A.’s market scale, which currently serves over 70 countries, is largely supplied by products acquired from third parties (sugar, ethanol, natural gas, and electricity), not only from Brazil but also from other international geographies.

Ecosystem and business model

What is the fiscal year of the Company?

The accounting follows the crop year period from April to March, and the results are published annually under the principles of IFRS.

How are Copersucar S.A.'s main businesses accounted for?

Copersucar S.A.’s businesses are accounted for as follows:

  • Subsidiary: Companhia Auxiliar (Port Terminal and transshipment terminals).
  • Consolidation: Alvean and Eco-Energy.
  • Equity Method: Evolua Etanol, Centro de Tecnologia Canavieira (CTC), and Logum Logística.
Who is Copersucar S.A.'s external auditor?

KPMG is Copersucar S.A.’s external auditor.

What are the principles of Copersucar's financial management?

Copersucar’s financial management is based on:

  • Asset light approach
  • Discipline and rigor in risk management
  • Robust capital structure
  • Financial self-sufficiency and independence of businesses and companies within the ecosystem
  • Sufficient cash, inventory, and short-term working capital to fully settle short and long-term debts
  • Maximization of dividend distribution (except for strategic investment decisions).