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Bringing together field and industry, Copersucar is a global trader of sugar and ethanol, with integrated logistics throughout its entire business chain, operating excellence, and sustainable value creation.


Seven billion people: each with their needs and desires that imply in a progressive increase in food and energy consumption, generating an increasingly higher pressure on resources that are far from being inexhaustible. Based on this, Copersucar, in line with the precepts set out by COP21, believes that industries based on renewable resources, such as ours, have an instrumental role in building a future where these needs can be sustainably addressed. If we in fact wish to contribute to sustaining life on the planet, we need to research and invest to allow for these scenarios where the so-called alternative energies receive the due importance. Ethanol is one of the answers to this challenge. A ready, competitive, available and effective answer.

The points that should be highlighted in the sugarcane value chain are: the social, economic, and environmental gains enabled by the production and supply of food – including sugar, which plays an instrumental role in nutrition, when consumed in moderation – and clean energy, in the form of biofuels. In the long term, this is certainly one of the paths to ensure a better life for those living on this planet.


Copersucar makes the connection between partner mills and clients, trading sugar and ethanol on a large scale, while conducting the logistics operation, capable of integrating all links of the value chain. This is one of the major differentiators of our business model, considered unique and difficult to be replicated. Its strategy for growth and business continuity is grounded on sustainability management.


Copersucar continues to invest, with significant progress, in its triple-objective strategy: internationalization, growth and structural gains.

Among the initiatives, Alvean can be highlighted, which has been accelerating global development and expansion of operations. More than an affiliate, the joint venture with Cargill is also a client. Today, Copersucar conducts all logistics for exporting sugar originated in Brazil, which is traded by Alvean.

Copersucar also has controlling shareholding interest in Eco-Energy, the company responsible for approximately 16% of the ethanol market in the United States. By acquiring one of the main ethanol companies in the United States, in 2012, Copersucar became a global leader in the trading of biofuels.

In terms of logistics, Copersucar’s strategy for sugar is supported by investments in multimodal terminals for storage and transportation of sugar in strategic points in the state of São Paulo, such as the ones in Ribeirão Preto and São José do Rio Preto, and in the Copersucar Sugar Terminal, at the Port of Santos, which has the capacity to handle 10 million tons of the product.

For ethanol, the main asset is the Fuel Terminal, in Paulínia, also in the state of São Paulo, a joint venture integrated to one of main refineries in Brazil and to Logum’s ethanol pipeline. This structure gives Copersucar the largest sugar and ethanol storage capacity in Brazil.

The company also invests in technology, such as the case of CTC – Sugarcane Technology Center, founded by Copersucar in 1969, and transformed into the world’s largest sugarcane biotechnology center, today operating as an independent company.

Copersucar’s strategic position, enabled by these initiatives and partnerships, is a major ally in sustainable growth and competitive advantage to attract new markets and partners. Each of the company’s businesses is governed by the same corporate philosophy, which drives excellence throughout the entire value chain.


Copersucar’s mission is to generate value through the vertical integration of the sugar and ethanol business chain.

Sustainable value creation based on:

• Logistics capacity;
• Differentiated commercial operations: scale, relevance and reliability; taking positions in the physical and futures markets; risk management; capacity to arbitrate between products, channels and origins;
• Operational excellence.


To be the leader in the global supply of sugar and ethanol, with a 30% share in domestic sugarcane production.

To be a significant presence in the main world markets and committed to its customers’ success;

Brand recognized as a global player;

Professionals differentiated by their business vision and competencies that drive value creation.




We question the limits and challenge ourselves. We are entrepreneurs. We make things happen with ethics and seriousness.


For us, a deal is a deal. We deliver on our word. We assume risks by taking into account short- and long-term impacts of our decisions and actions.


We have a sense of urgency, but we deliberate before acting. We quickly respond to the needs of the market and clients, through flexible and efficient processes.


We value meritocracy and high performance. We promote dialogue and learning. We invest in the development of people and recognize their ideas and contributions.


We operate as a network. We work in an integrated and global manner. We share opinions, knowledge, and experience in our quest to develop businesses and people.


In addition to having in place a business model that is considered unique in the sugar and ethanol industry, Copersucar structured a transparent corporate governance model that incorporates best market practices recommended by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC), as well as the Novo Mercado Corporate Governance Equity Index (IGC-NM) compiled by BM&FBOVESPA – a capitals market listing for trading of shares issued by companies that voluntarily commit to adopting corporate governance practices, in addition to those required by law.



Chief Executive Officer Tomas Manzano
Strategy and New Business Director Daniel Moreira do Valle
Public Affairs Director Henrique Mendes de Araujo
Legal and Governance Director Julio Boada
Commercial and Planning Director Lara Bacellar
Sustainability and Communication Director Priscilla Cortezze
Logistics and Operational Director Rodrigo Lima
Finance and Investor Relations Director Thiago Fontoura Struminski

Board of

Chairman Luís Roberto Pogetti
Board member
Alberto Fernandes
Board member Britaldo Pedrosa Soares
Board member Carlos Dinucci
Board member Carlos Ubiratan Garms
Board member Clésio Antonio Balbo
Board member Florêncio Queiroz Neto
Board member Gastão Mesquita Filho
Board member Leopoldo Tittoto
Board member Luiz Roberto Kaysel Cruz
Board member
Pablo Roman Di Si


Copersucar believes that ethics is an indispensable value for the business environment and a fundamental condition for sustainable growth of the company and of its partners. This conduct requires a genuine commitment in order to balance the relationships maintained while performing our professional activities, at all levels.

In order to guide its relationship with employees, clients, suppliers, and other stakeholders, Copersucar developed its Code of Conduct and Ethics in Business and maintains a permanent channel to receive reports of situations that represent violation of ethics.

Ethics Channel

Any person can report situations considered unethical, both in internal and external relations. The information may be submitted either in Portuguese or in English. The person reporting may choose to identify him/herself, with total confidentiality, or opt for anonymity.


Copersucar’s production chain starts in the 33 partner mills, belonging to 20 economic groups, and located throughout four states in the Brazilian Mid-South, the main sugarcane region: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Paraná and Goiás. These mills are responsible for the raw material, sugarcane, and for the production, based on these inputs, of sugar and biofuels. Copersucar and its Partner Mills are autonomous companies that carry out their corporate policies independently.


United States
6100 Tower Circle, Suite 500
+1 (615) 778-2898

Learn more in: http://eco-energy.com

Trading and Distribution

Eco-Energy, in the United States, is an end-to-end midstream alternative energy company centered on marketing, trading, transportation and distribution of biofuels around the world. Created in 1992, the company is among the leaders in this segment in North America. The combined operations of Copersucar and Eco-Energy form the largest biofuels platform in the world. Eco-Energy promotes innovative solutions and leverages value creation in the supply chain in the biofuels industry. Copersucar controls 100% of the company.

São Paulo/SP
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14261 | Wing A1 | 12º floor | Vila Gertrudes | 04794-000 | São Paulo – SP
+55 (11) 2618-8322

Learn more in: http://alvean.com.br


A global leader in the sugar industry since its creation, in 2014, Alvean specializes in originating, marketing and trading raw and white sugar.

Santo Antônio Farm – Santo Antônio
+ 55 (19) 3429-8199

Learn more in: http://www.ctcanavieira.com.br/

Research and Development

The Sugarcane Technology Center (CTC) was created in 1969 as a research and development area for Copersucar’s sugarcane varieties. It is the world’s largest sugarcane biotechnology development center. In 2011, already operating as a private nonprofit institution, it was transformed into a corporation, with 154 shareholders, among the main players in the segment. Copersucar has a 16,93%% interest in the company and is its largest shareholder.

São Paulo/SP
Street Pedroso Alvarenga, 990 – 2º floor- Atlanta Building  – Itaim Bibi
+55 (11) 3390-8600

Learn more in: http://www.logum.com.br


Logum Logística S.A. is a partnership between Petrobras and corporate groups operating in the sugar and ethanol industry – among which, Copersucar – to develop an integrated system for distribution of ethanol through pipelines. Copersucar has a 24,72% interest in the company.

HEAD OFFICE (São Paulo Office)
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14261 | Wing A1 | 13º floor| Vila Gertrudes | CEP: 04794-000 | São Paulo – SP | Brazil
Telephone: + 55 (11) 5118-3500

Rio de Janeiro Office
Correia Vasques Street, 250 | 2º floor| room 1 | Wing ECE | Cidade Nova | CEP: 20211-140 | Rio de Janeiro – RJ | Brazil
Telephone: + 55 (21) 2354-2755

Learn more in: https://www.evoluaetanol.com.br/en/


Evolua Ethanol is a open platform connecting producers, distributors and other agents in the supply chain through the integration, efficiency and sustainability of its solutions, available for the whole market.

Evolua was established already as a large company, brought about through the merger of Vibra Energia and Copersucar, giants in the Brazilian energy market. The company operates in a collaborative and integrated manner, creating shared value by overcoming the challenge of offering clean and renewable energy, on a large scale, for the whole country and the world.

Av. Cândido Gafree, s/n • Armazéns VI, XI, XVI e XXI • 11013-240 • Santos/SP
+55 13 3226 2100
+55 13 3226 2147

The Copersucar Sugar Terminal (TAC), located in the Port of Santos (SP), was inaugurated in 1998 and is a strategic point for the company’s export activities. In 2013, it was rebuilt and its capacity was expanded. With the creation of Alvean, there was an increase in handling given the export of sugar from non-partner mills. Cargo handling was also diversified, with soy and corn shipments, allowing for greater use of terminal capacity and the achievement of the operational goal.

Static storage capacity: 300,000 tons of sugar in bulk.
Nominal loading capacity: 10 million tons (5,400 tons/hour).
Greater receiving and unloading efficiency: 36,000 tons/day
Ship loading speed: 60,000 tons/day
Handling large vessels: over 70,000 tons
Greater use of rail transport: Estimated elimination of 100,000 truck hauls per year.




Base 2017/2018 crop year:

  • Standard loading cost BRL 45/ton
Rua Peru, 2400 • Distrito Industrial Coronel Quito Junqueira • 14075 310 • Ribeirão Preto/SP
+55 16 3628 2162
+55 16 3628 2152

The multimodal terminal (road and rail) began operating in 2010 and focuses its activities on transshipment operations: sugar is transported by road to the terminal and is then loaded on trains to the Copersucar Sugar Terminal (TAC) in the Port of Santos (SP). Since its inauguration, the unit has received investments that have increased annual sugar handling capacity.

Storage capacity: 70,000 tons
Handling capacity: 1.5 million tons of sugar per year
Reverse loop: capacity for 89 railcars.


Rua Siqueira Campos, 1000 • Centro • 15010 040 • São José do Rio Preto/SP
+55 17 3212 1788
+55 17 3212 1811

Inaugurated in 2011, the multimodal terminal (road and rail) has the capacity to handle 700,000 tons of sugar per year. With transshipment operations, sugar is transported by road to the unit and is then loaded on trains to the Copersucar Sugar Terminal (TAC) in the Port of Santos (SP).

Rodovia Municipal de Vicentinopolis a Porteirão, Km 10 + 12, s/n, Zona Rural, Vicentinópolis (GO)
Caixa Postal 27, CEP:75555-000
(64) 3691-1999
Rodovia MG-255, Km 30, Zona Rural, Frutal (MG)
Caixa Postal 4, CEP: 38200-000.
(34) 3421-1800
Cocal Narandiba
Fazenda Gênesis, Estrada Municipal NRD, 267
Caixa Postal 16
CEP 19220-000
Narandiba - SP
Tel.: 18 3992-9020
Cocal Paraguaçu Paulista
Parque Industrial Dr. Camilo Calazans de Magalhães
Caixa Postal 91
CEP 19729-899
Paraguaçu Paulista — SP
Tel.: 18 3361-8888
Rodovia SP-215, Km 84, Fazenda da Rocha s/nº, Zona Rural, Pirassununga (SP)
Correspondência para: Ferrari Agroindústria S/A, Caixa Postal 35, Porto Ferreira (SP)
(19) 3565-4665
Furlan Avaré
Rodovia Presidente Castello Branco, s/nº, km 254, Fazenda das Flores, Avaré (SP)
Caixa Postal 173, CEP: 18702-310.
(14) 3711-3100
Furlan Santa Bárbara
Rodovia SP-304, km 143,5, Bairro Alambari, Santa Barbara D'Oeste (SP)
Caixa Postal 127/128, CEP 13450-970.
(19) 3026 4600 / 3499-1600
Grupo Econômico Balbo – Usina Santo Antônio
Fazenda Santo Antônio, s/nº, Campinho, Sertãozinho (SP)
Caixa Postal 536, CEP: 14160-570.
(16) 3946-4000
Grupo Econômico Balbo – Usina São Francisco
Fazenda São Francisco, s/nº, Zona Rural, Sertãozinho (SP)
Caixa Postal 537, CEP 14174-000.
(16) 3946-7000
Ipiranga Descalvado
Estrada Municipal Guilherme Scatena, s/nº, Zona Rural, Descalvado (SP), CEP: 13690-000.
(19) 3590-1000
Ipiranga Iacanga
Rodovia Cezário José de Castilho, Fazenda Nova, s/n°, Zona Rural, Iacanga (SP), CEP: 17180-000.
(14) 3294-9000
Ipiranga Mococa
Rodovia SP-338, Km 287, s/n, Fazenda Santa Emília, Mococa (SP), CEP: 13730-971.
(19) 3666-7000
Rodovia BR-153, Km 9, Bairro Costa Jr., Jacarezinho (PR)
CEP 86400-000
(43) 3511-1400
Estrada Jussara, s/nº, Jussara (PR)
Caixa Postal 5, CEP 87230-000
(44) 3628-8000
Melhoramentos Nova Londrina
Rodovia BR-376, km 36, lote 4-A, s/nº, Nova Londrina (PR)
CEP 87970-000.
(44) 3432-1113
Pedra Agroindustrial – Usina Buriti
Fazenda São Luiz da Esplanada, Buritizal (SP), Caixa Postal 2, CEP: 14570-000.
(16) 3171-4500
Pedra Agroindustrial – Usina da Pedra
Fazenda da Pedra, Serrana (SP), Caixa Postal 2, CEP: 14150-000.
(16) 3987-9000
Pedra Agroindustrial – Usina Ipê
Rodovia General Euclides de Oliveira Figueiredo, Km 167, Nova Independência (SP), Caixa Postal 2, CEP: 16940-000.
(18) 3744-9400
Estrada Vicinal Possidônio de Andrade Neto (Pitangueiras/Jaboticabal), Km 8, Fazenda Santa Rita, Pitangueiras (SP), Caixa Postal 11, CEP: 14750-000.
(16) 3952-9300
Santa Adélia Jaboticabal
Rodovia SP-326, Km 332, Jaboticabal (SP), CEP: 14870-970.
(16) 3209-2000
Santa Adélia Pereira Barreto
Rodovia SP-310, Km 643, Pereira Barreto (SP), CEP: 15370-000.
(18) 3704-8010
Santa Adélia Pioneiros
Fazenda Santa Maria da Mata, s/nº, Sud Mennucci (SP), CEP: 15360-000.
(18) 3786-9000
Santa Lúcia
Usina Santa Lúcia S.A., Zona Rural, Araras (SP), Caixa Postal 31, CEP: 13600-970.
(19) 3547-3955
Santa Maria
Rodovia Otavio Pillon, Km 3,5, Bairro São Francisco, Cerquilho (SP), Caixa Postal 19, CEP: 18520-000.
(15) 3284-8000
São José da Estiva
Fazenda Três Pontes, Novo Horizonte (SP), CEP:14960-000.
(17) 3542-9500
São Luiz S.A.
Fazenda Santa Maria, Ourinhos (SP), Caixa Postal 158, CEP 19900-970.
(14) 3302-2000
São Manoel
Fazenda Boa Vista, São Manuel (SP), Caixa Postal 127, CEP 18650-000.
(14) 3812-1100
Umoe Bioenergy II
Fazenda Taquarussu, s/nº, Zona Rural, Sandovalina (SP), Caixa Postal 07, CEP: 19250-000
(18) 3277-9900
Usina Uberaba
Fazenda Uberaba, Rodovia Municipal 304, km 2,5, Entrada ng 190, Caixa Postal 402, CEP 38020-970.
(34) 3317-8000.
Viralcool Castilho
Fazenda Santa Amália, Castilho (SP), Caixa Postal 17, CEP: 16920-000.
(18) 3741-9100
Viralcool Destilaria Santa Inês
Fazenda Córrego das Pedras, Sertãozinho (SP), Caixa Postal 508, CEP: 14177-970.
(16) 2105-2066
Viralcool Pitangueiras
Fazenda Santa Cecília s/n°, Pitangueiras (SP), Caixa Postal 6, CEP: 14750-000.
(16) 3952-9900
Zilor – Açucareira Quatá
Fazenda Quatá, s/nº, Quatá (SP), Caixa Postal 21, CEP: 19780-000.
(18) 3366-9800
Zilor – Açucareira Zillo Lorenzetti
Usina São José, s/nº, Macatuba (SP), Caixa Postal 25, CEP: 17290-000.
(14) 3269-9000
Zilor – Barra Grande
Rodovia Marechal Rondon, Km 289, Lençóis Paulista (SP), Caixa Postal 356, CEP: 18680-900.
(14) 3269-9000
Weena 505 | 17º floor | Room 17.09 | 3013 AL | Rotterdam | Netherlands
+31 10 8005446
Avenida das Nações Unidas, nº 14.261 - 13º andar • Vila Cordeiro • São Paulo/SP • Brasil
CEP 04794-000
+55 11 2618 8166
+55 11 2618 8355

Copersucar’s headquarter is located at one of main avenues in São Paulo.

Alvean China
No 999 Hua Hai Road (M)
China 200031
+86 21 3332 78 88
Alvean Hong Kong
Unit 1604, 16th Floor,
Miramar Tower
132 Nathan Road
Tsim Sha Tsui , Kowloon
+852 2968 9879
Alvean India
14th Floor, Building no. 9, Tower A,
DLF Cyber City, Phase 3, Gurgaon
122001, Haryana
+91 124 4090 213
Alvean North America
2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd,
Suite 800,
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Phone: +00 305 648 9220
Alvean South America
Avenida Paulista 287
2° andar
01311 000 São Paulo
SP, Brazil
+55 11 2618 8322

A global leader in the sugar industry since its creation, in 2014, Alvean specializes in originating, marketing and trading raw and white sugar. With headquarters in Switzerland, the joint venture between Copersucar and Cargill, the company has offices in 10 countries, including Brazil, and operations in every continent.

Alvean Spain
Gran Via 19-21
48001 Bilbao
+34 944 359 670
Alvean Thailand
18th Floor Sindhorn Building Tower 3
130-132 Wittayu Road
Lumpini, Pathumvan, Bangkok 10330
+66 2 263 29 29
Alvean Tranding Hub
14, Chemin De Normandie
Geneva, Switzerland

+41 22 309 6200

A global leader in the sugar industry since its creation, in 2014, Alvean specializes in originating, marketing and trading raw and white sugar. The joint venture between Copersucar and Cargill, the company has offices in 10 countries, including Brazil, and operations in every continent.em todos os continentes.

Eco-Energy – Headquarter
6100 Tower Circle, Suite 500
Franklin, TN
United States
+1 615 778 2898

Eco-Energy operates in trading and distribution of biofuels. Established in 1992, the company holds a leading position in this field in the US and has become a global leader by joining Copersucar in 2012. Headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee, the company has its own structure of 11 storage tanks, 11 transshipment terminals, four rail terminals and 19 exclusive production mills.

Eco-Energy Distribution – Atlanta
: 25 Riverside Drive, Cartersville, GA 30120
Eco-Energy Distribution – Augusta
1661 Dixon Airline Road, Augusta, GA 30906
Eco-Energy Distribution – Charlotte
6816 CSX Way, Charlotte, NC 28214
Eco-Energy Distribution – High Rock
25 Riverside Drive, Cartersville, GA 30120
Eco-Energy Distribution – Knoxville
1601 Third Creek Dr., Knoxville, TN
Eco-Energy Distribution – Philadelphia
4099 S. Christopher Columbus Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19148
Eco-Energy Distribution – Richmond
520 Gordon Ave., Richmond, VA 23224
Eco-Energy Distribution – Selma
3812 Buffalo Road, Selma, NC 27576
Eco-Energy Distribution—Alexandria
1000 S. Van Dorn St., Alexandria, VA 22304
Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 990 – 2º andar Edifício Atlanta – Itaim Bibi
São Paulo (SP)
+55 11 3390 8600

Logum Logística S.A. is a partnership between Petrobras and corporate groups operating in the sugar and ethanol industry – among which, Copersucar – to develop an integrated system for distribution of ethanol through pipelines. Ethanol is received through eight own terminals and transported through pipelines that connect the main producing regions in the country to the large fuel consumption centers.

Fazenda Santo Antônio – Santo Antônio
Piracicaba (SP)
+ 55 19 3429 8199

The Sugarcane Technology Center (CTC) was created in 1969 and is currently the world’s largest sugarcane biotechnology development center. Headquartered in Piracicaba (SP), it has a station for breeding varieties (hybridization) in Camamu (BA), and 12 regional centers to offer materials adapted to the different realities of Brazilian farmers.